Laser Hair Removal
Hair removal may be performed using IPL, SHR or laser.
IPL and SHR hair removal may be done by a therapist, while laser hair removal is only done by doctors only. There are pros and cons for each treatment and we will go through them here.
In all hair removal treatments, the target of the treatment is the hair follicle. Not all hair follicles are able to be treated in one session due to the 'hair growth cycle'. No matter the hair removal option, multiple sessions are needed to target all hair follicles in the treatment area.
Of all 3 options, laser hair removal comes the closest to permanent hair removal in terms of the longevity and effectiveness of treatment.
Hair Removal in Singapore

The Hair Growth Cycle is important to understand why multiple treatment sessions are required. Only a portion of all hair in any particular area is in the 'Anagen' phase.
The Anagen phase is the active growth phase. This is the only phase where hair removal is effective. This is because the hair root specifically needs to be treated, to prevent new hair from growing back.
Treatment intervals vary from 4 weeks to 8 weeks, but may also be guided by the principle of returning when new hair growth is seen.
Hair Growth Cycle

What are the Differences between IPL, SHR and Laser?
IPL hair removal uses Intense Pulsed Light technology. It produces a narrow band of light, specific to dark pigment, that targets hair follicles. It is the oldest form of hair removal and is highly effective. It is the quickest option for small treatment areas, for example moustache and underarms.
SHR stands for Super Hair Removal and is an updated form of Intense Pulsed Light. It is in between an IPL and laser, in that the wavelengths of light are narrower (more targeted and safe). It is the most comfortable treatment option as it involves multiple shots at low energy that gently target hair follicles. This treatment can be done by therapists and is a comfortable and effective hair removal solution. It is also the best at treating large body areas, for example the chest, back and legs.
Lasers producing a single specific wavelength targeting melanin, the pigment responsible for hair and skin colour. It is the most effective hair removal option and comes the closest to permanent hair removal. It can only be done by doctors due to its high power and risk of unwanted side effects in the wrong hands, such as pigment disorders (hyper- or hypo-pigmentation) and burns.
"I want the most comfortable treatment."
SHR may be the most suitable for you
"I have a few stubborn hairs that won't go away."
IPL or laser may be the most suitable for you
"I want to remove all my body hair."
SHR may be the most suitable for you
"I am busy and cannot come so often for treatment."
Laser may be the most suitable for you
How do I choose between IPL, SHR and Laser?
There are other factors to consider as well. For example, treatment area, previous treatments, skin type, hair colour and hair coarseness all influence what would be more effective and safe for you.
As we offer all 3 hair removal options, we are able to customise a treatment plan for you that suits your needs.