360 Fat Freezing
What is Cryolipolysis?
You may have come across the term 'fat freezing', which refers to Cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis is one of the most studied, safe and effective modalities of body contouring treatment. It is the technology behind treatments like CLASSYS' CLATUU Alpha and Zeltiq's CoolSculpting.

Over a period of 1 to 3 months, the body naturally breaks down the fat, resulting in the treatment area reducing in size.
Cryolipolysis treatment involves the use of a suction applicator that has an internal supercooled interface. Subcutaneous fat, also known as 'pinchable fat', is drawn into the applicator where it comes into contact with the 360 degree surround supercool surface, unique to CLATUU 360. Unwanted fats are cooled below freezing point and this triggers natural cell death.
Because of its safety and high tolerability, cryolipolysis is a popular non-invasive treatment that is used for body contouring and targeting stubborn fat areas.
CLATUU Alpha is able to treat two areas at once with its two applicators.
Is CLATUU suitable for you?
Our experienced consultants will perform a full-body consultation to craft the most optimal treatment plan for you. Our goal is to sculpt and contour your body to enhance your natural curves and features, on top of addressing any areas of concern you may have.
We are able to combine the various handpieces for the perfect applicator fit to achieve the best possible outcome with the least side effects.
CLATUU is exceptionally useful for areas of stubborn fat that do not go away with weight loss and exercise. Common areas include double chin, under arms, bra bulge, lower abdomen and the flank region.
CLATUU Alpha applicators to cater to every body part
CLATUU Alpha 360 Fat Freezing is able to target both small and large areas, such as:
Double Chin
Armpit Fat
Outer and Under arms
Bra Fat
Muffin Top
Inner and Outer thighs
Banana Roll (Below Buttocks)
Our consultant will customise a treatment plan to address your areas of concern and enhance your natural contours.
During treatment
Treatment areas are marked and our 360 gel pads are placed, followed by the applicator(s). A complete cycle lasts between 45 to 60 minutes.
During the treatment, you will feel a firm but gentle suctioning as well as the cold of the applicator. Do not worry if the applicator falls off mid-treatment. It can be reapplied and the treatment continued until completion.
You will experience cold and possibly tingling sensations for the first 10-15 minutes of the treatment while the treatment area is cooled. Once the tissue is numb, the treatment is very well tolerated with minimal to no discomfort.
We are able to treat 2 areas at once with CLATUU Alpha. This saves you time and allows us to target more areas at once!
What to expect?
The treatment area(s) need to be massaged for 2 minutes immediately after completing the treatment to break up the crystallised fat cells, to aid the body in processing these dead fat cells.
The area will be more swollen for up to 1 week. You may also experience numbness and aching in the treated areas. These are common, temporary side effects and resolve on their own.
There is no downtime in terms of limitations to activities. You may resume all activities as per normal.
Results will be visible from week 4 onwards and continue to improve up to 3 months post-procedure.
We recommend waiting at least 1 month before repeat treatments over the same area.
To optimise the outcome of your treatment, we may recommend alternative or complementary procedures to aid in body contouring. This is because areas that may appear 'fat' may be due to skin laxity. They may also be areas previously treated with cryolipolysis that are refractory to repeated treatments with cryolipolysis.
Below is a brief summary of alternative procedures and therapies we may recommend you. We will address any concerns or questions you may have during your consultation.

Synergistic Therapy (Energy Devices)
Microneedling RF
Radiofrequency RF
Reduces Swelling Downtime
Reduces Pain post-procedure
Skin Tightening
Small Areas of Subcutaneous Fat
Stubborn Fat not Responsive to Cryolipolysis
Stretch Marks
Skin Tightening
Reduces Swelling Downtime
Synergistic Therapy (Injectables)

Injectables are generally most useful for skin laxity in areas that have undergone rapid expansion and contraction. Examples of these would be in pregnancy and following childbirth with rapid change of weight. It is also helpful for those who have lost weight rapidly or undergone liposuction. These injectables stimulate collagen remodelling to improve tissue elasticity and improve the appearance of loose skin and wrinkles.
If you are interested in these treatments for the body, we can discuss it with you during your consultation as well.
