Student Promo
Students enjoy 20% off Hydrafacials, Chemical Peels and LED PDT therapy, and 10% off skincare products.
What does a hectic schedule, fluctuating hormones and outdoor activities have in common?
They are common to adolescents and are not good for the skin!
Adolescence is a trying time for teens without the additional stress of skin concerns affecting their self image and confidence.
We understand the difference healthy skin can make in the healthy development of self esteem.
Start good habits early.
Don't let a tight budget stand in the way of healthy skin.
We are here to help.
No packages. No upselling.
We have the privilege of being closely located to schooling districts and would like to give back to the community that supports us.
Until otherwise stated, we are offering special prices for students to manage their skin concerns simply and effectively with our doctor-designed programmes and carefully curated products.
We have a wide range of skincare that suits different skin concerns, from acne to eczema and sensitive skin. Our sun protection does not cause congestion and protects your loved ones while they enjoy their outdoor and sporting activities.
Our consultants have many years of experience in managing difficult skin and are able to recommend the best treatments for breakouts and flares.
From photodynamic therapy with LED (LED PDT) to microdermabrasions and hydrafacials, our medi-facials are customised and suitable for all skin types.
For more severe cases, our doctors may be referred to medically manage your child to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatments.
Relevant Services
Hydrafacial $150 -> $120
LED PDT therapy $70 -> $56
All Skincare 10% off
Students get 20% off treatments on an à la carte basis with no lock-ins and upselling of packages.